Gas Logs

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Gas Logs Shopping Guide – Gas Log Reviews

Gas logs are gas fireplaces with a real looking log inside which makes it look very much like traditional wood burning fireplaces. Sometimes with the better gas log products you can’t even tell the difference between gas logs and traditional fireplaces.


These gas logs appeal to both those who like wood burning fireplaces and gas fireplaces by taking the best traits of both worlds. Gas logs have the great look of a wood fire, without all of the maintenance or hassle of starting a fire. With a gas log set you don’t have to chop wood, stack it, start a fire or clean up all the ash which turns many people off from the wood fireplaces. Gas logs also have the instant on and instant off quality so right when you need heat you got it, and right when you need to leave you can turn the fire off in a second with gas logs.
Gas log sets come in every different venting style. Most of the time however you will find that many gas logs are ventless vent free fireplaces because these are the most popular. The ventless gas logs are very efficient cost cutting ways of generating a bunch of heat quickly.

Operating Gas Log Sets

Gas log sets give users a lot of controls over how the fire looks. Customizing the fire of your gas logs are one of the major benefits of these. You can choose exactly how you want your fire to look like – make the blame big and give the look of a roaring fire or make it smaller to make the illusion of a campfire slowly going out. You can also customize how you want your gas log to look. There are all different styles of gas logs including pine, oak and many others that you can find in fireplaces accessories section of any store that sells these gas logs.

Electric Logs Shopping Guide – Electric Log Reviews


Electric logs offer one of the cheapest, and easiest installations. Electric logs are essentially electric fireplaces with a log that somewhat resembles a fire. While these electric logs usually don’t do as good of a job of imitating a fire as other gas logs do, they are getting better at it every year.

Electric log models usually have light bulbs which produce a flickering effect of wood burning fireplaces. If you are looking for a electric log that produces heat, make sure that you read up about whatever product that you are considering buying because some of these electric logs are just for looks and don’t produce any heat at all. However there are some good electric logs heater products which are pretty good at generating heat.

Last updated on May 3, 2024 6:52 am

The Benefits Of Electric Logs Heater

There are many benefits to these electric logs. The biggest advantage to these is the ease of installation. You won’t have to do any remodel to your home in order to install one of these electric log heaters into your home, nor do you need a chimney. The units give you instant on and instant off capabilities, which is a great safety feature to have. On the lines of safety, there is no actual fire in one of these which can pop and send glowing coals into your home. Most people really like the how hassle free these electric logs fireplaces are. There is no buying, chopping, stacking firewood or building a fire. Electric logs are very low maintenance as well.

Before You Buy One Of These…

Before you jump on the electric logs heater bandwagon, you should consider a couple things. First of all, what will you use your electric log for? If you need it for only heat, you should be aware that these are not the most effective units in heating a home and you would be better off with a wood burning stove or fireplace. You should also take note that your electricity bills will increase quite a bit when using electric logs as heaters, especially if you are running them a lot.

Propane Gas Logs Shopping Guide – Propane Gas Log Reviews


Propane gas logs are an alternative to natural gas logs. These propane gas logs are very effective ways of heating your home and combine the best traits of wood burning fireplaces and propane fireplaces into one propane gas log unit!

Some people just don’t like the hassle of dealing with wood. You have to go out and buy it, then chop it and stack it. And when you want to build a fire you also have to do that and it can take a while. Cleaning up ashes and other byproducts associated with wood is a mess as well and just adds to the hassle of having one of these fireplaces. This is not the case whatsoever with propane gas logs.

Propane gas logs take the best traits of a traditional fireplace such as the look and feel of these units and make them much smarter designs for busy people who don’t have time for these traditional models. If you don’t have much spare time for dealing with a fire each time you want to warm your house, propane gas logs are a great option for you.

Venting Styles Of Propane Gas Logs

Propane gas logs come in every venting style, such as natural vented gas logs, direct vent propane gas logs, and ventless gas logs. If you want the most heat and efficiency out of your propane gas log, then we suggest you get ventless propane gas logs.

Natural Gas Logs Shopping Guide – Natural Gas Log Reviews

Natural gas logs are gas logs which make use of natural gas which is a fossil fuel which consists primarily of methane. If you like the look of a real fire, without the hassle of having one then natural gas log products are a great option for you!


Natural Gas Logs Are Cleaner Burning

If being environmentally sound is a priority of yours, then you will prefer natural gas logs. Natural gas log products are cleaner burning because they have less impurities. The combustion process is very good, and almost every byproduct of combustion is burnt from a natural gasvented gas logs before anything gets released into the atmosphere. And because these natural gas log products are so clean burning, they don’t give any odor or leave any ash for you to clean up later.

Convenient, Economical, Safe And Cheap To Operate

Natural gas is readily available in almost every household these days. Every utility company carries natural gas, and it can be used by you via a safe pipeline. With propane gas logs you have to store the propane in tanks which can create a safety hazard. If you live in North America, you can be happy that you are using a domestic product because there is a big supply of domestic natural gas log fuel.

Vented Gas Logs Shopping Guide – Vented Gas Log Reviews

Vented gas logs combine both the best traits of traditional wood burning fireplaces with the hassle free convenience of gas fireplaces. These vented gas logs are not quite as effective regarding efficiency as the ventless models, yet they still are very effective heaters.


If you already own an older wood burning fireplace and are sick of wasting money because your outdated model is not burning your firewood efficiently, investing in one of these vented gas logs is a good choice for you. Installation of a vented gas log is a breeze, just place it in your existing fireplace where the wood usually goes and use the existing chimney or vent for ventilation. Just remember that if you have already used your fireplaces for burning wood, you need to either clean it out really good yourself or better yet get it professionally done before you use it as a natural gas fireplace or you could burn down your house.

The Benefits Of Vented Gas Logs

These vented gas log sets are popular mostly because they are more aesthetically appealing than the ventless models. These vented gas logs can create a very real looking flame that can closely resemble a real fire. These vented gas logs are also pretty efficient in heating as well, and can be used as primary heaters although if that is what you are looking for then maybe a ventless model is better for you than vented gas logs.

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